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Updated: Jul 29, 2021

The Hope For Us Network has been built by a diverse team of persons passionate about Mental Health and Suicide Prevention. Our team consists of more than 150 combined years of experience in non-profit, mental health, and education fields.

We are currently all VOLUNTEER, but if you stay tuned for our Fiscal Vision you will see how we plan to build for sustainability.

Our team is in some ways a group of refugees. We shared a common dissatisfaction with the existing state of mental health care. We are united by a powerful conviction to improve mental health in our communities. Together our team reflects a vast spectrum of professional and personal intersections with mental health that gives us an intimate reverence for the gravity of our work. Together we are allied as pioneers, witnesses, and true believers in the impact of Proactive Prevention.

But don't just take my word for it, let's hear from each of them what is so motivating about joining the Network.

~Carl J. Evans~ Chairperson & CEO

Dan Lambton

I live with bipolar disorder and know firsthand what mental health challenges can pose to those dealing with mental illness. I lost a family member to suicide at a young age. While going through intensive outpatient therapy a few years back, I heard stories about struggles that others shared, which helped shape my perspective and how it plays into the greater picture when it comes to proactive prevention. I'm with The Network to help educate others and to let them know they're not alone; we can find a better together.

NETWORK DUTIES: Digital Production & Education Division

Alex Montcalm

I'm with The Network because proactive mental health care is critical. Caring for our mental health is vital and is something that people from all walks of life should focus on. I have seen firsthand the benefits of proactive mental health awareness and am very excited to be a part of the Network's future successes.


Ben Mattson

Internalized stigma has impacted some of my closest friends in irreversible ways. I’m with The Network because the path to transforming historically conditioned stigma is mapped, field-tested, and awaiting action. Even as the prevalence of mental health crises has accelerated, I’ve witnessed Proactive Prevention renew hope in the faces, imaginations, and actions of individuals from an astonishing diversity of mental health intersections.


Christina Bravo

I'm with The Network because I know what it's like to encounter mental health challenges and be too afraid to speak up or reach out for help. I've made it my mission to help break the silence of mental health stigma one conversation at a time. I have been fortunate to learn from and work alongside some incredible people while on my mental health advocacy journey. With The Network, I look forward to boldly disrupting and transforming the world's perception of mental health through engagement, education, and activism.


John Jonak

I’m with the Network because I have witnessed the benefits of an organization that is proactive about mental health can bring to my students and loved ones. Working with Carl and others has been a blast thus far, and as we continue to be creative in social and emotional programming, I look forward to what the future brings!

NETWORK DUTIES: Strategic Advisor

Marlo Reyes

I’m with The Network because I believe we deserve better & the only way we get better is by working on ourselves & trying to help our communities. We are the change we need in the world.

NETWORK DUTIES: Engagement Division

Erin Dunbar

I'm with The Network because my family and friends have been affected by mental heath stigma and illness. I feel passionate about helping people, building community, and halting the mental health crisis.

NETWORK DUTIES: Engagement & Activism Divisions

Sean Campe

I am beyond excited for this. As an individual who has lived with depression and anxiety from PTSD, the plans for this org are monumental. The Hope For Us Network is an organization dedicated to proactive mental health care. Our work is focused on engagement, education, and activism.

NETWORK DUTIES: Digital Production

Brianna Kelly

I’m with The Network because I understand the stigma surrounding mental health, and I am committed to helping break that stigma. I also believe that The Network will pave the way for proactive suicide prevention to provide solutions.


Rick Osowski

Talking about the hard things in life makes them more bearable and more manageable. Some of the most difficult situations we find ourselves in, as people, are mental health-related and current or recurring mental health issues, but we feel we cannot talk about them due to fear, shame, or stigma. That's why I am a part of The Network.

NETWORK DUTIES: Digital Production

Nancy Bartosz

I am involved on this team because, as a teacher, I am invested in understanding the impact mental health has on our daily lives and partnering with families to create proactive networks of support.

NETWORK DUTIES: Strategic Advisor

Sam Cicerale

I’m with The Network because I believe it’s past time we create change in the mental health world. The old ways have not fixed the problem, and with the tools we have, we can empower communities to help themselves thrive.


Mike Vinopal

I'm with The Network because stigma is a sneaky bastard that takes on many forms, causing many incredible people from all walks of life to hide beautiful parts of themselves, and I’ve dedicated my life to fight it in all of its forms. Stigma perpetuates the big lie that we are all alone in our struggles, and that’s why I fight.

I used to feel that isolation in a big way, but as a mental health warrior, I have found that there are so many different types of communities you can belong to, and the more, the merrier. The Network can and will connect us to all the communities stoking hope all over the world. Let’s find our people together. The Network can and will show us that we will be ok, together because there is hope for us.

NETWORK DUTIES: Engagement & Education Divisions

Jazmine Garcia

I joined the Network because it promotes education, community building, and compassion, three important avenues to recovery. And though the road to recovery isn't yet paved, I look forward to proudly proclaiming I could help lay the foundation. I believe in the Network because there truly is Hope For Us!

NETWORK DUTIES: Engagement & Activism Divisions

Peter Renwick

I am so excited to be part of this amazing Network. I am an educator aiming to reignite the flame of hope in people who may be hopeless.

NETWORK DUTIES: Education Division & Development


Brad Bacci

I’m with The Network to change the narrative surrounding mental health challenges. It’s my goal to teach compassion and empathy through art and music.

NETWORK DUTIES: Education & Activism Divisions


Sydni Budelier

I’m with The Network to normalize the conversation on mental health and show others that there’s hope in sharing our lived experiences through creative expression.

NETWORK DUTIES: Marketing & Engagement


Kate Smith

I am with The Network because I want to be creative with a community that is open and free of stigma and I want to help foster community for others. I am a professional creative that deals with mental illness, and it has been a challenge for me - and for those I love - to live and create in a world where the stigma on mental illness and mental health has kept us from thriving. This situation almost cost me my life, and I have lost some of my best friends to suicide over the years. I am here for my younger self and for their younger selves. I am here because It is what makes me feel most connected to myself, which allows me to be closer and more loving to those around me. I am proud and honored to be a part of The Network and I look forward to getting to know, learn, and share with this community. NETWORK DUTIES: Engagement Division



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